
  • 港股加杠杆 重组抗小鼠PD

    港股加杠杆 重组抗小鼠PD

    Syd Labs体内实验级重组抗小鼠PD-1小鼠IgG2c Kappa单克隆抗体(克隆号RMP1-14.1)(In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Mouse IgG2c Kappa Monoclonal Antibody (Clone RMP1-14.1))。重组抗小鼠PD-1 / CD279单克隆抗体(Recombinant anti-mouse PD 1 / CD279 monoclonal antibodies)与大鼠抗小鼠PD-1抗体(rat anti-mouse PD-1 antibody)(克隆号:RMP1-14)具有相同的可变区序列。重组小鼠抗小鼠PD -1版本的RMP1-14抗体也可用。

    重组抗小鼠PD-1小鼠IgG2c Kappa单克隆抗体


    多找找 | Syd Labs重组抗小鼠PD-1小鼠IgG2c Kappa单克隆抗体产品参数


    产品名称:体内实验级重组抗小鼠PD-1小鼠IgG2c Kappa单克隆抗体(克隆号RMP1-14.1)

    英文名:In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Mouse IgG2c Kappa Monoclonal Antibody (Clone RMP1-14.1)

    供货商名称:Syd Labs, Inc.

    公司名:Syd Labs

    别称:程序性细胞死亡蛋白1,PD-1, CD279,集群分化279,RMP1-14

    概述:用哺乳动物细胞生产的体内实验级重组抗小鼠PD-1小鼠IgG2c Kappa单克隆抗体(克隆号RMP1-14.1)(In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Mouse IgG2c Kappa Monoclonal Antibody (Clone RMP1-14.1))。

    克隆号:RMP1-14.1,与大鼠抗小鼠PD-1单克隆抗体(克隆号:RMP1-14),(rat anti-mouse PD-1 monoclonal antibody (Clone number :RMP1-14))的可变区和恒定区序列相同。

    同种型:小鼠 IgG2c, kappa


    免疫源:原大鼠杂交瘤(克隆号:RMP1-14)是用小鼠pd -1转染的BHK细胞免疫大鼠产生的。

    抗体形式:0.2 μM过滤溶液,1x PBS

    内毒素:根据 LAL 方法,≤1 EU每1mg 蛋白质。提供特级体内实验级重组抗小鼠PD-1小鼠IgG2c Kappa单克隆抗体(克隆号RMP1-14.1)(In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Mouse IgG2c Kappa Monoclonal Antibody (Clone RMP1-14.1),内毒素≤0.05 EU/mg)。


    运输:体内实验级重组抗小鼠PD-1小鼠IgG2c Kappa单克隆抗体(克隆号RMP1-14.1)(In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Mouse IgG2c Kappa Monoclonal Antibody (Clone RMP1-14.1))用冰袋运输。收到后,请立即将其存放在下面建议的温度下。

    稳定性与存储:使用手动除霜冰箱并避免重复冻融循环。 自收到之日起 1 个月,如果保存在2 至 8°C。 自收到之日起 3 个月,如果保存在-20 至 -70°C。


    注意事项:重组抗小鼠PD-1/CD279单克隆抗体(Recombinant anti-mouse PD 1 / CD279 monoclonal antibodies)是用哺乳动物细胞生产,其与大鼠抗小鼠PD-1抗体(克隆号:RMP1-14)(rat anti-mouse PD-1 antibody (clone number: RMP1-14))具有相同的可变区序列。RMP1-14抗体的重组小鼠抗小鼠PD 1版本也是可用的。

    Syd Labs PA007162.m2c: 体内实验级重组抗小鼠PD-1小鼠IgG2c Kappa单克隆抗体(克隆号RMP1-14.1)(In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Mouse IgG2c Kappa Monoclonal Antibody (Clone RMP1-14.1))


    The rat anti-mouse PD-1 monoclonal antibody (大鼠抗小鼠PD-1单克隆抗体)(clone No. RMP1-14, rat IgG2a kappa)reacts with the mouse PD-1 protein (CD279 or programmed death-1) encoded by the mouse pdcd1 gene, a member of the CD28 family of the Ig superfamily. PD-1 has two ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2, both of which belong to the B7 family. It has been shown that in mouse models of melanoma, tumor growth can be transiently arrested via treatment with the anti-mouse PD 1 antibody and the anti-mouse PD L1 antibody which block the interaction between the PD-L1 protein and its receptor PD-1 protein. The RMP1-14 antibody blocks the binding of both the mouse PD-L1 protein and the mouse PD-L2 protein to the mouse PD-1 protein.

    Our recombinant RMP1-14 antibodies have a part (variable regions) or complete amino acid sequences of the rat anti-mouse PD-1 antibody(大鼠抗小鼠PD-1抗体) (hybridoma clone name or number: RMP1-14). The murinized anti-mouse PD-1 recombinant antibody has not only the constant regions of the mouse IgG antibodies but also the murinized variable regions.

    Questions and Answers about recombinant anti-mouse PD-1 antibody(重组抗小鼠PD-1抗体)(Clone RMP1-14):

    Question: Which anti-mouse PD1 antibody works the best?

    Answer: (by AI) There are several anti-mouse PD1 antibodies available in the market: Clones RMP1-14, 29F.1A12, and J43. All three of these antibodies are commonly used to block PD-1 signaling in vivo in murine tumor models and other mouse models. These three clones all have extensive multi-year publication records supporting them. The RMP1-14 antibody has been reported to block the binding of PD-1 to its ligands (B7-H1 and B7-DC) and to inhibit T cell proliferation and cytokine production costimulated by macrophages (but not by dendritic cells and B cells). (by Syd Labs) Syd Labs offers anti-mouse PD-1 monoclonal antibodies(抗小鼠PD-1单克隆抗体) based on the sequences of clones RMP1-14 and 29F.1A12. Syd Labs provides in vivo grade recombinant antibodies including engineered antibodies for the clones RMP1-14 and 29F.1A12. Even though mouse and rat are close, rat antibodies may still induce immunogenecity in mice. Antibodies with murinized variable regions and mouse constant regions behave like humanized antibody drugs in animal models using mice. In addition, the mouse IgG2c antibody is produced in certain inbred strains such as C57BL/6, C57BL/10, SJL, and NOD, which does not express the mouse IgG2a antibody(小鼠IgG2a抗体); the mouse IgG2a antibody(小鼠IgG2a抗体) is produced in other inbred strains such as BALB/c and Swiss Webster mice, which does not express the mouse IgG2c antibody(小鼠IgG2c抗体). If one uses the C57BL/6 mouse strain for animal model research, it is better to use the IgG2c antibodies rather than the IgG2a antibodies. The format with the Fc silenced, Fc silent, or Fcs with silenced effector function, such as LALAPG mutation, is the most popular for anti-mouse PD1 antibodies(抗小鼠PD1抗体)(clones RMP1-14 and 29F.1A12) and anti-mouse PD-L1 antibodies(抗小鼠PD-L1抗体)(clone 10F.9G2).

    Question: Do you produce any recombinant Fc-silenced RMP1-14 antibody(重组Fc-silenced RMP1-14抗体)?

    Answer: Sure, we provide various recombinant Fc silent RMP1-14 antibodies(重组Fc silent RMP1-14抗体), such as mIgG2c LALAPG, mIgG2a LALAPG, and mIgG1 D265A. We also provide custom recombinant antibody production service to produce other engineered versions of recombinant RMP1-14 antibodies(重组RMP1-14抗体). We have a promotion program running: We provide 1 mg PA007162.m2cLA (In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Mouse IgG2c-LALAPG Kappa Monoclonal Antibody(体内实验级重组抗小鼠PD-1小鼠IgG2c-LALAPG Kappa单克隆抗体)(Clone RMP1-14.1)) for free in exchange of results. Please contact us to know more about the free RMP1-14 antibody.

    Question: What is the difference among PA007162.r2a, PA007162.m2cLA, and PA007162.mm2cLA?

    Answer: PA007162.r2a is the recombinant anti-mouse PD-1 monoclonal antibody(重组抗小鼠PD-1单克隆抗体) (rat IgG2a kappa, clone RMP1-14.1) produced in CHO cells or HEK293 cells if needed. It has the same variable region and constant region sequences as the rat anti-mouse PD-1 monoclonal antibody(大鼠抗小鼠PD-1单克隆抗体) from the hybridoma clone of RMP1-14. Rat antibodies may cause high immuogenicity in mice; thus, at least recombinant antibodies with mouse antibody constant regions should be used to replace the rat antibody constant regions. PA007162.m2cLA is the recombinant anti-mouse PD-1 antibody(重组抗小鼠PD-1抗体)(clone RMP1-14.1) whose constant regions are mouse IgG2c LALAPG kappa. We further murinize the antibody variable region sequences of PA007162.m2cLA to produce PA007162.mm2cLA.



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